Fiber And Irritable Bowel Syndrome}

Submitted by: William Miller

Those who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, will often hear the term fiber associated with this problem. One of the major ways to alleviate IBS is to maintain proper fiber intake. By being knowledgable about fiber’s health benefits and how it relates to your symptoms, you can effectively use fiber to ease IBS discomfort. Fiber has several beneficial characteristics and there are several types of available fiber. Fibers are found primarily in whole grains. Whole grain pastas, breads and wheat will all have a high fiber content that is beneficial to the digestive system. Many fruits and vegetables also will be helpful in meeting your fiber needs. Often, IBS is an indication that your diet does not contain adequate fiber.

Soluble fiber is one type of fiber that can be used directly for relief of IBS. Soluble fiber contains certain types of bacteria that are beneficial to the digestive tract. Upon entering the colon it begins to break down the carbohydrates, which, in turn, stimulates the colon muscles, as well as helping to soften the stools. Another soluble fiber characteristic is its ability to dissolve in liquid including water consumed as part of a meal. Insoluble fiber is indigestible; it passes throught the digestive tract increasing bulk in the intestines as it absorbs water. Ingesting fiber with water allows it to move easily through the digestive tract. Since it is important to consume both soluble as well as insoluble fibers, it is helpful to know which foods contain insoluble or soluble fibers. Insoluble fibers are mostly found in foods that contain cellulose. Cabbage, seeds, root vegetables, corn, and wheat bran all contain high amounts of insoluble fibers. Soluble fiber is contained in other types of grains and wheat as well as fruits and vegetables.

Once you understand fiber’s importance and begin adding it to your diet, you may still find yourself experiencing pain and discomfort. This may result because your body is finding it difficult to process the greater amounts of fiber. It is wise to increase your dietary fiber gradually, allowing your body to adjust to the changes. In time, it get easier to process the fiber.

Fiber be continual and important part of your diet. Additional fiber consumption when you have IBS will help the muscles in your digestive system to relax and began normal functioning. Increasing fiber is recommended for those people who suffer from IBS and knowing what fiber can for you as well as where to find it will certainly help you begin to relieve your symptoms.

About the Author: William Miller enjoys writing for several popular online magazines, on

wellness and health


living healthy



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